Board Responsibilities
Board's Meeting Resolutions
● Directors & Supervisors
2023 Board Member
2022 Board Member
2021 Board Member
● Succession planning and operation of the Company's Board of Directors and key management personnel
(1) For the Company's ongoing succession plan for directors, the following criteria are used to establish a database of director candidates:
A. Integrity, responsibility, innovation and decision-making ability, in line with the Company's core values, and with expertise and skills that contribute to the management of the Company.
B. In terms of the Board of Directors’ expertise on the whole, industry experience (such as real estate, law, banking, accounting, and tax) and expertise (such as business management, decision-making, crisis management, and industry knowledge) related to the business of the Company are required.
C. The addition of this member is expected to provide the Company with a Board of Directors that is effective, diverse and responsive to the Company's needs.
(2)The Company has formulated the "Evaluation Methods for the Board of Directors" and regularly conducts performance evaluations. Through relevant measurement items, including mastery of the Company’s goals and tasks, awareness of directors’ responsibilities, participation in the Company’s operations, internal relationship management and communication, directors’ professionalism and continuing education, internal control, and specific opinion expression, the Company can confirm the effective operation of the Board of Directors and evaluate the performance of directors, as a reference for future selection of directors.
(4) The Company provides training opportunities (internal or external) to enable management staff to enhance their professional knowledge and skills, which in turn improves work efficiency. Middle executives also participate in regular executive meetings and departmental meetings. In addition, The Company has implemented the duty agent mechanism, when senior executives are on leave or on business trips, middle executives are assigned to perform duties on their behalf. Therefore, through the communication and discussion process in meetings and the duty agent mechanism, the middle executives have been able to accumulate experience, not only to cultivate the ability, but also to convey the Company's core values and future blueprint, so as to avoid a manpower gap in the Company. In this way, they are able to achieve a consistent direction of the Company's overall operation and to meet the rapidly changing environment.
(5)The management succession plan and implementation are as follows:
Title |
Succession plan |
Training |
Achievement |
Chairman |
Not applicable, as the Chairman is young and promising and has no succession plan yet. |
Participate in education and training, and continue to acquire professional knowledge and skills. |
N/A |
Director |
A database of director candidates is established and performance evaluations are conducted on a regular basis to serve as a reference for the future selection of directors. |
Participate in education and training, and continue to acquire professional knowledge and skills. |
Ongoing |
President |
Cultivate key management and promote the Company's talents through leadership and learning to achieve the succession goal. |
Participate in internal or external education and training, and continue to acquire professional knowledge and required skills. |
Ongoing |
Key management |
Cultivate middle management and promote the Company's talents through leadership and learning to achieve the succession goal. |
Participate in internal or external education and training, continue to acquire professional knowledge and required skills, and implement the duty agent system. |
2021: promoted 2
Vice Presidents |
Middle management |
Promote junior management and make them the reserve of middle management. |
Participate in internal or external educational and training, and develop the skills required for succession through key management. |
2022: promoted 1
Assistant Vice
President |
(6) In 2023, the Company held the following training courses for the management :
Title |
Date |
Topics |
Course Hours |
Middle management |
2023/04/29、2023/05/06 |
Carnegie’s Course: "Ecellent communication &Teamwork skills" |
14hours |
Junior management |
2023/04/29、2023/05/06 |
Carnegie’s Course: "Ecellent communication &Teamwork skills" |
14hours |
● 董事會及功能性委員會定期執行績效評估情形
1. 對公司營運之參與程度。
2. 提升董事會決策品質。
3. 董事會組成與結構。
4. 董事之選任及持續進修。
5. 內部控制。
1. 公司目標與任務之掌握。
2. 董事職責認知。
3. 對公司營運之參與程度。
4. 內部關係經營與溝通。
5. 董事之專業及持續進修。
6. 內部控制。
1. 對公司營運之參與程度。
2. 功能性委員會職責認知。
3. 提升功能性委員會決策品質。
4. 功能性委員會組成及成員選任。
5. 內部控制。
1. 對公司營運之參與程度。
2. 功能性委員會職責認知。
3. 提升功能性委員會決策品質。
4. 功能性委員會組成及成員選任。
5. 內部控制。
Target |
Period |
Method |
Result |
Board of Directors |
113/01/01~12/31 |
Self-evaluation by the Board |
The Board of Directors performed well. |
Board members |
113/01/01~12/31 |
Self-evaluation of directors |
The members of the Board of Directors had a good self-evaluation of performance. |
Remuneration Committee |
113/01/01~12/31 |
Self-evaluation by the Board |
The Remuneration Committee performed well. |
Audit Committee |
113/01/01~12/31 |
Self-evaluation by the Board |
The Audit Committee performed well. |
1. 評估報告之總評:
民國 112 年度九位個別董事成員已依「上市上櫃公司董事、監察人進修推行要點」規範之時數完成進修,透過持續進修以掌握最新知識,並提高個
2. 改善建議及未來改善計畫:
項次 |
報告建議 |
預計改善措施 |
一 |
建議推動女性董事席次達三分之一 |
預計於下屆董事改選時增加不同性別董事席次。 |
二 |
建議「永續發展委員會」提升為功能性委員會 |
公司已成立永續發展委員會。 |
三 |
建議依據全球永續性報告協會(GRI)發布之 GRI 準則編製永續報告書 |
永續報告書已規劃中,預計於法規期限內公告。 |
四 |
每年召開至少二次法人說明會 |
公司目前會以即時發布重大訊息以利投資人了解相關訊息。 |
112 年董事會績效評估證明
● Communications between independent directors , internal audit supervisor,and the accountant
113 年單獨溝通情形
2023 單獨溝通情形
2022 單獨溝通情形
2021 單獨溝通情形
1. 內部稽核主管於每月底將上月之稽核報告彙整為「稽核報告摘要表」,連同稽核報告電子檔交付獨立董事查閱。
2. 內部稽核主管定期向審計委員會報告「內部稽核結果」、提送「年度稽核計畫」、「內部控制制度聲明書」及修訂「內部控制制度」、「內部稽核實施細則」。
3. 獨立董事與稽核主管每年至少一次召開一次單獨會議,討論稽核業務執行情形及成效、次年度稽核工作及目標、獨立董事關心查核事項…等。
4. 本公司內部稽核主管與獨立董事之溝通管道多元且順暢。
5. 獨立董事與內部稽核主管之單獨溝通情形如下:
Date |
出席人員 |
溝通事項 |
溝通結果 |
113/12/16 |
獨立董事曾文哲 稽核主管林宛蓁 |
1.報告近一年內之稽核業務執行結果、稽核缺失及追蹤改善情形。 2.報告次年度稽核工作及目標。 |
溝通結果良好。 |
113 年財務會議議事錄
112 年財務會議議事錄
111 年財務會議議事錄
110 年財務會議議事錄
109 年財務會議議事錄
● Independent Director election results
2022 Shareholders' Meeting
Title |
Name |
The total number of votes |
Remark |
Independent Director |
Lin, Jen-I |
75,739,750權 |
第20屆董事全面改選,任期自111/06/23至114/06/22. |
Independent Director |
Tseng, Wen-Che |
74,791,633權 |
第20屆董事全面改選,任期自111/06/23至114/06/22. |
Independent Director |
Hung, Chi-Shan |
74,788,683權 |
第20屆董事全面改選,任期自111/06/23至114/06/22. |
Independent Director |
Ke, Po-Chang |
74,752,420權 |
第20屆董事全面改選,任期自111/06/23至114/06/22. |